Conditional statements are a foundation of basic programming. They allow you to react to varying circumstances in your websites data environment in a simple, flexible way. It’s easy to formulate an if statement in Liquid.
{% if item.title == 'Test Page' %}
This is a test page.
{% endif %}
If you have an if/else situation, that’s easy as well.
{% if item.title == 'Test Page' %}
This is a test page.
{% else %}
This is not a test page.
{% endif %}
You can also test the opposite of an if by using an unless.
{% unless item.title == 'Test Page' %}
This is not a test page.
{% endunless %}
There’s also an ifchanged
tag, which will tell if the contents of the tag has changed since last output. This is great, for example, to display a date header in a list of blog posts only if the date has changed.
{% for post in site.recent_posts.20 %}
{% ifchanged %}<h2>{{ post.published_at | date: '%B %d' }}</h2>{% endifchanged %}
<h3>{{ post | link_to_item }}</h3>
<p>{{ post.excerpt }}</p>
{% endfor %}
A case statement is a simple and effective way to provide many different results based on the value of one variable.
{% case item.children.size %}
{% when 0 %}
{% when 1 %}
{% when 2 %}
{% else %}
a few more...
{% endcase %}