Object Filters


Assign the passed object to a variable name in the local scope.

Expects: Anything

Argument Required Description
string required The variable name to assign
{{ 'foobar' | assign_to: 'baz' }}
{{ baz | upcase }} # => FOOBAR


Assign the passed object to a variable name in the global scope.

Expects: Anything

Argument Required Description
string required The variable name to assign
{% case '/foo/' %}
  {% when '/foo/' %}
    {{ 'foo' | assign_to_global: 'global_variable' }}
  {% when '/bar/' %}
    {{ 'bar' | assign_to_global: 'global_variable' }}
{% endcase %}
{{ global_variable }} # => foo

If we had used assign_to in the example above, it would not have worked as it would have assigned to the scope inside the case statement and thus would not work outside case statement.


Find posts from a blog or whole site marked with a given label.

Expects: String (path), Blog, or Site

Argument Required Description
string required The label to find
integer optional The number of posts to return. Defaults to 10; Limit of 50
{{ site | find_by_label: 'featured' }}
{{ 'our-writing/blog' | find_by_label: 'my-label', 5 }}


Get any item object from your site based on its public path.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The path of the item
{{ '/' | item_from_path }} # => Your home page item
{{ '/portfolio/featured/' | item_from_path }} # => The item viewable at /portfolio/featured/