Text Filters


Append a string onto the end of another string.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The new string to append to the passed string
{{ 'foo' | append: 'bar' }} # => foobar


Escape the given text to match the URL slugs Harmony generates.

Expects: String

{{ 'Blog Label Name' | as_slug }} # => blog-label-name


Capitalize each word of a string.

Expects: String

{{ 'foo bar baz' | capitalize }} # => Foo Bar Baz


Syntax highlight code in your content. Wrap any code in <source:[lang]>… and Harmony will create markup for styling syntax.

Expects: text

{% assign text = "<source:ruby>class Foo\n  def bar\n    'baz'\n  end\nend</source>"

{{ text | coderay }}

To begin styling coderay syntax, create a new stylesheet in your theme, and select the ‘Coderay Syntax Highlighting’ preloaded CSS file.

Read more about Coderay to find out more info on Coderay, how to style the output, and available languages.


Outputs the number of comments in correct human readable form.

Expects: Blog Post

{{ blog_post_1 | comment_count_text }} # => 6 Comments
{{ blog_post_2 | comment_count_text }} # => 1 Comment


Format a date into a string.

Expects: Date or String

Argument Required Description
string required The format string indicating how to display the date

Date will convert an existing date to a formatted string, or a string-based date (like ISO) and convert it to a date in the sites time zone, then format the date to the supplied format string.

{{ item.published_at | date: '%B %d, %Y %I:%M%p' }} # => December 25, 2009 8:47PM

To render the current date at time of render, as for the date of “now”.

{{ "now" | date: '%B %d, %Y %I:%M%p' }}

The following will be replaced in the format string with the appropriate data.

Code Description
%a The abbreviated weekday name (‘Sun’)
%A The full weekday name (‘Sunday’)
%b The abbreviated month name (‘Jan’)
%B The full month name (‘January’)
%c The preferred local date and time representation
%d Day of the month (01..31)
%-d Day of the month without leading zero (1..31)
%H Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)
%I (Uppercase i) Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, zero padded (01..12)
%l (Lowercase L) Hour of the day, 12-hour clock, no padding (1..12)
%j Day of the year (001..366)
%m Month of the year (01..12)
%-m Month of the year without leading zero (01..12)
%M Minute of the hour (00..59)
%p Meridian indicator (‘AM’ or ‘PM’)
%P Meridian indicator in lower case (‘am’ or ‘pm’)
%S Second of the minute (00..60)
%U Week number of the current year, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%W Week number of the current year, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week (00..53)
%w Day of the week (Sunday is 0, 0..6)
%x Preferred representation for the date alone, no time
%X Preferred representation for the time alone, no date
%y Year without a century (00..99)
%Y Year with century
%Z Time zone name
%% Literal ‘%’ character


Turn the entire string to lowercase.

Expects: String

{{ 'FOO BAR' | downcase }} # => foo bar


Escape any HTML entities to show properly in a browser as text.

Expects: String

{{ '<strong>' | escape }} # => &lt;strong&gt;


Escape the given text to match the URL slugs Harmony generates.

Expects: String

{{ 'Blog Label Name' | escape_url }} # => blog-label-name


Takes an asset and provides the URL to a specific image size of that asset.

Expects: Asset

Argument Required Description
string required The slug of the desired image size.
{{ item.data.uploaded_file | image_size_url: 'large' }} # => /assets/89fdfs/large/filename.png


Output an ISO style date string for a given date.

Expects: Date

{{ item.created_at | isodate }} # => 2009-12-14T13:04:01-05:00


Run the given string through the markdown filter.

Expects: String

{{ "# Headline" | markdown }} # => <h1 id="headline">Headline</h1>


Convert any newline characters in a string to

Expects: String

{{ "foo\nbar\nbaz" | newline_to_br }} # => foo<br />bar<br />baz


Output a singular or plural string based on a given number.

Expects: Number

Argument Required Description
string required The singular version of the string.
string optional The plural version of the string. If none passed, it will use Harmony’s inflector to guess.
{{ item.data.number | pluralize: 'Widget' }} # => 8 Widgets


Prepend a string onto the front of another string.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The new string to prepend to the passed string
{{ 'foo' | prepend: 'bar' }} # => barfoo


Replace each occurrence of a given string inside the passed string with another string.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The string to be replaced
string required The string to replace with
{{ 'foo bar foo' | replace: 'foo', 'baz' }} # => baz bar baz


Replace only the first occurrence of a given string inside the passed string with another string.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The string to be replaced
string required The string to replace with
{{ 'foo bar foo' | replace_first: 'foo', 'baz' }} # => baz bar foo


Remove every occurrence of a given string inside the passed string.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The string to be removed
{{ 'foobarfoo' | remove: 'foo' }} # => bar


Remove only the first occurrence of a given string inside the passed string.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
string required The string to be removed
{{ 'foobarfoo' | remove_first: 'foo' }} # => barfoo


Get the length of a string in characters.

Expects: String

{{ 'foobarbaz' | size }} # => 9


Remove all HTML entities from a string.

Expects: String

{{ '<b>foobar</b>' | strip_html }} # => foobar


Remove any newline characters in a string.

Expects: String

{{ "foo\nbar\nbaz" | strip_newlines }} # => foobarbaz


Run the given string through the textile filter.

Expects: String

{{ "*foobar*" | textilize }} # => <strong>foobar</strong>


Truncate a string down to a certain number of characters.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
integer required The number of characters to leave in the string
{{ 'foobarbaz' | truncate: 5 }} # =>fooba


Truncate a string down to a certain number of words. If you are experiencing rendering issues and the text your truncating contains HTML, try using truncate_html instead.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
integer required The number of words to leave in the string
{{ 'foo bar baz' | truncatewords: 2 }} # =>foo bar


Truncate a string containing HTML down to a certain number of words. This is different from truncatewords in that HTML tags are kept together and properly closed, whereas truncatewords can break HTML leading to rendering errors.

Expects: String

Argument Required Description
integer required The number of words to leave in the string
{{ '<a href="#">foo bar baz</a>' | truncate_html: 2 }} # => <a href="#">foo bar...</a>

Link usernames, lists, hash tags, and urls in text.

Expects: String

{{ '@orderedlist' | twitter_autolink }} # => @<a href="http://twitter.com/orderedlist" class="tweet-url username" rel="nofollow">orderedlist</a>


Convert a URI encoded string so it is readable.

Expects: String

{{ 'Things+%26+stuff' | urldecode }} # => Things & stuff


Convert a string so it can be used in a URI

Expects: String

{{ 'Things & stuff' | urlencode }} # => Things+%26+stuff


Turn the entire string to uppercase.

Expects: String

{{ 'foo bar' | upcase }} # => FOO BAR


Insert a non-breaking space between the last two words of a string, to avoid widowed words.

Expects: String

{{ 'foo bar baz' | widont }} # => foo bar&nbsp;baz